Follow me on my journey of crafting, baking & attempting to organize! :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

finals week :(

As promised, here is my DIY vase on display with flowers:

As I sit here typing this, I am currently listening to Kings Of Leon (love!) while procrastinating: folding my laundry that's about finished tumbling in the dryer, finishing writing my deviant behavior paper (I'm halfway done so oh well), and filling out the study guide for my motivation final exam...not a very motivating class ironically. Anyways, I'm in the final stretch to my summer of freedom!! That's right folks, I am taking it off to bake, craft and organize to my heart's desire without feeling the guilt of procrastinating school. LIVIN' THE DREAM! Haha, but seriously I'm stoked. I've got lots of big plans this conquering my closet (ugh! it's bad). Well, I guess I'll see you on the other side of finals week...if I survive that is.


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Glass Bottle Repurpose :)

                                  Add me on Instagram: @makeandbakemelis

So, I came across a post on Pinterest that is very simple and re-purposes a glass beer bottle 
into a vase using some yarn or in my case twine. {You'll soon learn that I am a frequent browser of the DIY & Craft section because seeing all the cute ideas makes me very happy inside haha, I know I'm weird. Cheap thrill if you ask me.} Anywho, I was at Target and saw twine while I was in the dollar spot, so I immediately grabbed it because I knew I had some empty Izze bottles at home. Plus, the fact that it was only a dollar was even better. I love me a good deal! This was a pretty time consuming project...because I am a perfectionist. It literally pains me to just shrug & keep going if it isn't perfect. Believe me when I say I really wish I wasn't this way! {That was an unintentional rhyme, ha.} 

So, all you need for this project is:

  • twine or yarn (I got 10 yard rolls & it took me about 2 1/2 of them)
  • glass bottle, with the label removed
  • glue (I used a craft bond glue pen)

And now on to it:

It's a simple process, put a little line of glue and stick the twine down, and repeat.

Some helpful tips:

  • Get comfortable! You will be concentrating, gluing and lining up for a while. (Especially if you're as much as a perfectionist as I am.) 
  • Turn the bottle upside down and start from the bottom of the bottle - I had the most trouble as I got towards the neck of the bottle.
  • While you are doing the bottom part of the bottle, pull the twine tight before you secure down to make it easier to line it up without gaps.

Aaaaand here's where the trouble started for me. See all that gappage (don't think that's actually a word, but just roll with it) towards the neck of the bottle? It's impossible to pull the twine tight because of the angle of that area. Those gaps were leaving me completely unsatisfied, so I started wrapping more twine on top of the first layer, starting from the top this time.
Voila! Yeah, it's not perfect but I actually like how it came out. And liking how your DIY came out is all that matters :) I don't have any fake flowers on hand, but once I go to the craft store and buy one I will post a picture of my bottle-turned-vase in use! Hope you enjoyed this, thanks for reading!



Hey there! My name is Melissa and this is my blog where I will post crafts/DIY projects (when I'm at home I live on Pinterest haha), home decor...the result of those DIY projects, baking experiments, my attempts at organizing my house/life & things of that nature. Hope you enjoy! I'll post more about myself later on, have a great day! :)